Guiding young minds HOW to think - not what to think

Social Science education to foster critical thinking in your TEENAGERS

Say goodbye to worrying about brainwashing and ideological indoctrination! With 24/7 access to online classes, 1:1 meetings and live group events, our Patterdox membership will turn your child into a thriving critical thinker in no time.

In today's world, finding unbiased and nuanced education for our children is becoming increasingly challenging. Most educational institutions are influenced by political agendas, lack depth and fail to encourage real open-mindedness. As parents, we're left wondering how to provide our children with an education that fosters independent thinking and prepares them for the complexities of the modern world.

What if our education system DID NOT have to look like that?

  • Our children are equipped with the skills to think critically, analyze information thoughtfully, and form their own well-rounded perspectives. 

  • Children regain the ability to challenge themselves and as a result feel a deeper sense of meaning and get rewarded with better overall life outcomes/satisfaction.

  • As a society, we value a sense of nuance, seek understanding with each other and approach challenges we're facing with empathy and reason.

  • As a parent, you no longer have to worry about your child being exposed to content that might brainwash them into certain ideologies.

  • Regardless of which side of the aisle it's coming from, you can sleep soundly knowing your child can recognize when someone is trying to corrupt them into an ideology.

  • The divisive narratives and echo chambers that currently plague our society have been replaced by informed dialogue, mutual respect, and a genuine pursuit of knowledge.

We've made it our MISSION to make these imaginations a REALITY!

A groundbreaking online educational platform designed to empower parents and students alike. With the Patterdox membership, you can provide your children with access to comprehensive, non-partisan courses that prioritize critical thinking, genuine curiosity, and intellectual exploration of differing viewpoints. Our carefully curated courses will cover a wide range of subjects, ensuring that every child will receive an education that extends beyond the confines of traditional learning.

We understand that every student's needs are different. That's why we've packed our Patterdox membership full of all the perks you might need to support your child's educational journey. Take a look!



Our Patterdox courses are designed to give you ultimate freedom in implementing the material how, when and where you want. For homeschoolers & traditional students alike!

  • Immediate access to the Patterdox Library with ALL available courses

  • Access to the Patterdox Google Drive (for all worksheets & activities)

  • Variety of additional resources, reading material and multimedia suggestions

  • Access to recordings of all previous live sessions, Q&As, webinars & guest speaker events



A good student and teacher relationship is our top priority! With our membership, you'll gain access to our many personal support options for your student.

  • Weekly live-taught lessons and Q&As with Mr. Reusch

  • Coffee with Mr. Reusch* to get to know students on a personal 1:1 basis

  • Access to private Patterdox Facebook group so students can connect

  • Exclusive Patterdox workshops and guest speaker events

    * Virtual hangout - coffee not required!



A parent is a child's best teacher! That's why Patterdox offers a variety of options to support parents wanting to learn how to best guide their children on this journey.

  • 1:1 kickoff consultation for parents to ask questions or discuss their strategy

  • Private Facebook community for parents to connect with other parents

  • Exclusive Patterdox webinars and coaching workshops for parents

  • Additional 1:1 consultations with Mr. Reusch are available for parents to schedule upon request


In this class, we will be going on a journey through the rich tapestry of American history from its early beginnings before Columbus to the present day. No ideology pushed here!

  • 31 pre-recorded lessons (around 30-60 mins each)

  • Interesting worksheets & activities for each unit

  • Optional reading material available in online textbooks

  • Video playlist full of relevant content for each topic

  • Media suggestions (movies, tv shows & books) for each topic



Yup, you read that right! In this class, we'll explore a variety of American social issues through the lens of iconic Simpsons episodes. Get your popcorn ready because it's about to get educational!

  • 20+ pre-recorded lessons (around 15 min each)

  • Timely topics such as morality, politics, gender roles & religion

  • Episode guide for relevant Simpsons episodes on each topic

  • Optional worksheets & discussion questions

  • Incl. a subtle sense of disbelief that learning can be this fun?!


"Learn HOW to think, not WHAT to think" is going to be the central theme of our 2024 summer school course. These meetings will focus on community building while preventing ideological brainwashing and equipping students with the skills needed to become thriving independent thinkers.

  • Weekly live classes taught from June - August

  • Summer reading list & book recommendations

  • Exclusive guest speakers

  • Fun summer projects to get your child excited about critical thinking and learning



Does our government actually function the way it was intended? Let's find out! In this class, we're going to explore the messy nuance of our US government as well as the rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities we hold as US citizens from a non-partisan approach

  • Weekly live classes taught from September - June

  • Decide between attending live online classes or use the available recordings to teach on your own schedule

  • Thought-provoking worksheets & activities for each unit

  • Group projects & student engagement throughout the year

  • Discussions about topics typically deemed "off-limits" in school done in a JUDGMENT FREE space

Want to get a glimpse of what a Patterdox lesson looks like? Have a peek at this US history lesson about the Revolutionary War, taken from our course Our American Story - A Critical Thinking Journey Through US History.

Become a patterdox member today and get instant access!






  • You feel frustrated with an education system that doesn’t put any emphasis on critical thinking and viewpoint diversity - instead pushing identity politics and partisan ideology (on either side of the aisle)

  • You're looking for non-partisan homeschool resources to help your children become successful and independent adults who can easily solve any challenge that comes their way

  • You're hoping to find extra-curricular resources to prevent your child from becoming indoctrinated with ideology in their public or private school environment

  • You’re seeking valuable 1:1 support as well as connections with like-minded parents to help guide you on your parenting journey and support your child in the best way possible

  • You want to instill the true value of good education in your children and are ready to have them come to you asking for more of those awesome Patterdox lessons

Got any questions? Explore our FAQ section to learn more about Patterdox and how it can benefit your child.

What will I have to do to get access to the Patterdox platform?

Patterdox is set up as a monthly subscription. Once you've signed up to be a member, you and your child/children will have unlimited access to all classes that are available within the platform, our private community, 1:1 sessions with Mr. Reusch and all upcoming events/workshops, etc.

What subjects and courses will be offered?

After signing up, you'll have full access to two of our courses "Our American Story" as well as “American Social Issues Taught By The Simpsons”. On June 1st, we will be launching our summer class "Independent Thinkers Summer Course". And on September 1st, you'll be able to enroll in our Intro to Civics class.

What age groups will these classes be suitable for?

Our classes are primarily targeted at teenagers. However, we’ve heard from a variety of parents saying they have used our US History lessons with children as young as 10 years old. So you’ll be the best judge when it comes to deciding whether your child might be ready for certain content.

How will my child interact with teachers and peers in an online setting?

When you sign up, every new students is given the opportunity to schedule a 1:1 meeting with our lead teacher Mr. Reusch. Depending on the class, lessons will either be pre-recorded and accompanied by live Q&A sessions every week or they will be held live at a scheduled time. Students and parents will have the opportunity to interact in live sessions on Zoom as well as the exclusive community groups that will be made available for all Patterdox students/parents.

Is there any support available for parents who are new to homeschooling or online education?

Yes! Every Patterdox parent can schedule a one-on-one kickoff consultation with Mr. Reusch. Beyond that, we have a free Facebook group available to all those who are looking for a place to share experiences in homeschooling, ask questions and connect with other like-minded parents. We'll also be hosting a variety of different workshops and events specifically targeted at supporting parents with their teaching efforts.


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